We have over 25 years experience in the floor heating, installations and furnaces industry

Barsin Isakhani

Company CEO

Stay Healthier With Cleaner Indoor Air

We Are The Northern California Experts At
Diagnosing & Solving In-Home Air Quality Issues

We’re Northern California’s AC Maintenance Experts

With a large amount of time everyone spends in their home, indoor air quality is a huge factor in the health and comfort of your family.

But the problem is this: many times, air quality issues are not obvious. It is not unusual for people to have health conditions (such as allergies, asthma, etc.) that are aggravated or caused by poor indoor air-quality without knowing that your indoor air quality might be the culprit.

TecHVAC has solutions. For example, we can install an Air Scrubber for you. An Air Scrubber will reduce approximately 90% of airborne contaminants and 99.9% of all surface contaminants. It reduces odors, including pet odors.

Air-Quality Services For Northern California Homes

Duct Cleaning & Sealing

TecHVAC provides top-quality Air Duct Cleaning to remove contaminants; Air Duct Sealing and Air Filtration to help keep your household air clean and quality. Over time, air ducts become contaminated with particles of dust, pollen and other debris that can cause allergic reactions or other symptoms in people exposed to contaminants. If moisture is present in your air ducts, the potential for microbiological growth (e.g. mold) is increases and spores may be released into your living space every time your air conditioner or furnace is running.

Air Duct Sealing

Our technicians are trained and equipped to seal air ducts to prevent contaminants from entering your home — especially from under your house and from your attic. We use an advanced process where we seal joints with cement mastic that insures your air ducts remain clean and sealed — keeping contaminates out and heated and cooled air in. According to PGE, by sealing your home’s leaking air ducts you can reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home by as much as 25-30%.

Air Filtration System

If your home was built in the last 40 years, it’s called a “tight home”. It was built to conserve energy by keeping cold air out in the winter and hot air out in the summer. However, that weather-tight efficiency brought about a whole new problem: indoor air pollution.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Every Service Champion indoor air quality product is scientifically engineered and tested in homes just like yours. Each high-efficiency system is custom designed and installed to reduce, and many cases eliminate indoor air particles and pollutants.

Causes Of Indoor Air Pollution

Ineffective heating and cooking practices result in high levels of air pollution in homes. The pollutants released from such faulty practices contain hazardous chemicals like carbon monoxide and fine particles. In poorly ventilated homes, the smoke and chemicals released can exceed the permissible levels of 100-fold which can have health-damaging effects on you and your family.

Why Maintaining Good IAQ Matters

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is all about the well-being and comfort of the occupants. Most people spend more than 80% of their time indoors and if the HVAC system is poorly maintained, it can increase the risk of sickness and disease.

Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality

The indoor environment in any home is the outcome of the interaction between the HVAC system, climate, contaminant sources, moisture levels and building design. Increased exposure to allergens and pollutants can increase the risk of respiratory issues and give rise to allergies and asthma. While some sources cannot be completely eliminated from the house, advanced IAQ technologies have made it possible to limit the spread of these hazardous pollutants. The quality of air in any structure plays an important role in the health and comfort of the occupants and at TecHVAC; we would be more than happy to help you make your home a healthy, cozy, and comfortable place.


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